“Norman Rockwell’s Christmas Wish”
"Norman Rockwell's Christmas Wish" an animated talk by Charles Harris in aid of St Mary's £10 per person Norman Who? The most beloved American illustrator of the 20th Century always portrayed life as he wished it would be. His portrayal of the Ideal Family Christmas is directly connected to Dickens and the English Yuletide Tradition. Lavishly illustrated with magical Rockwell moments and insights as to how he actually created the images.
Dever Singers Christmas Concert
The Dever Singers will be holding a concert at St Mary's church on Sunday, 11th December 2022 at 6pm. There will be a mixture of classical and popular Christmas songs.
Micheldever Village Christmas Lunch
St Mary's sponsors a monthly Village Lunch for senior citizens. All are welcome. A two course lunch costs £5.00 a head. The lunch is usually held on the first Wednesday of every month. It is very popular. No need to reserve a place. The Christmas lunch will take place on the 7th December.