Dever Singers 40th Anniversary Concerts
Sunday 15th December 2024 at 6.00pm St. Mary the Virgin Church, Micheldever
Exploring Wildlife in Remote Regions of Spain
Fundraising Talk at the Northbrook Hall All welcome!
Exploring Wildlife in Remote Regions of Spain
A talk by nature specialist Andy Tucker offering a breath taking photography tour of remote Spanish mountains and wilderness habitats.
Micheldever Safari Supper
All welcome! Please contact Helen via the website or
St Mary’s Summer Fete
Come and join the village of Micheldever to celebrate their annual fundraising fete on the Lord Rank Playing Field on Duke Street. There will be a dog show and fun for all the family. Book stall, Grand draw, children's games etc. £2 entry fee. Free parking
Carols in the pub
Come along and sing a selection of carols at the Half Moon and Spread Eagle, Micheldever this Friday at 6pm. All welcome old and young! Carols organised by St Mary's Church, Micheldever
The Dever Singers Christmas Concert
The Dever Singers Christmas Concert at St Mary's Church Retiring Collection for church funds
“Norman Rockwell’s Christmas Wish”
"Norman Rockwell's Christmas Wish" an animated talk by Charles Harris in aid of St Mary's £10 per person Norman Who? The most beloved American illustrator of the 20th Century always portrayed life as he wished it would be. His portrayal of the Ideal Family Christmas is directly connected to Dickens and the English Yuletide Tradition. Lavishly illustrated with magical Rockwell moments and insights as to how he actually created the images.