How we spend our money
St Mary’s is a Grade 2* Listed building. The church and its grounds are looked after by a team of volunteers.
Annual Running costs of this church are: £36,000
This covers:
- a share towards the salary, pension, housing of our vicar
- it contributes towards the training of new clergy and sustains mission both here in the Diocese of Winchester and overseas.
- the cost of utilities
- maintenance of the churchyard – grass cutting, trees
- routine maintenance of the church building
- maintenance of our six bells which are rung regularly
In addition to our normal Running Costs, there is a constant requirement to fund the maintenance and refurbishment of the fabric of this ancient building.
Annual Fabric costs average: £10,000
Over recent years we have been expending more than we have been receiving. This combined with some necessary large capital expenditure has reduced our reserves significantly. Over the period 2018/19 we have installed a new boiler at over £7,500 and a new biolet toilet at £2,500.
How you can support us
By regular Standing Order
The church bank account accepts Standing Orders. If you would like to start giving by this method, please print, fill in and sign the Standing Order form. Place it in an envelope and give it, scan and email it or post it to the Treasurer or the Church Warden.
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
The PGS is a charitable company owned by participating Dioceses of which The Winchester Diocese is one. Its purpose is to manage regular giving for participating churches. The PGS Scheme takes some of the toil out of being a church treasurer and results in Gift Aid payments being received into the church account very speedily.
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a 21st century solution to offset one of the greatest threats to parish income which is static giving. Donations made through this scheme use a Direct Debit. This can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Each donation is restricted to the nominated parish church. The church receives exactly what is donated with the small commission charge made by the charity being paid by the Diocese.
For the PCC, and the Treasurer in particular, it is the much preferred method of donating. Further details can be found at Parish Giving scheme.
Legacy Giving
Please consider giving in your will. It was a bequest that allowed the PCC to install a sophisticated audio and video system in St Mary’s. Monetary gifts do not count as part of the residual estate and therefore are free of Inheritance tax.
In church by cash or cheque
An offertory is taken at most of our services for cash and cheque donations. Gift Aid envelopes are available in church for such one-off donations. Whenever the church is open donations can be left in the black box by the door leading to the kitchen area. If you are a UK tax payer please Gift Aid your donation. Add to your donation without it costing you a penny! Please contact our treasurer with any questions.
How Gift Aid works
The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax. Gift Aid donations are regarded as having basic rate tax deducted by the donor. Charities take your donation – which is money you’ve already paid tax on – and reclaim the basic rate tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on its ‘gross’ equivalent – the amount before basic rate tax was deducted.
Basic rate tax is 20 per cent, so this means that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it’s worth £12.50 to the charity.
All gifts given to St Mary’s are treated in confidence and will be seen only by the Treasurer.